Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Digital Divide Narrows for Latinos as More Spanish Speakers and Immigrants Go Online

Brown, A., Lopez, G., Lopez, M.H. (20 July 2016). Digital Divide Narrows for Latinos as More Spanish Speakers and Immigrants Go Online
Retrieved on Aug. 1, 2016

The article Digital Divide Narrows for Latinos as More Spanish Speakers and Immigrants Go Online survey determined that since 2009 immigrant Latinos and Spanish-dominant Latinos have closed the gap in going online, according to 2015 survey numbers. The results also stated that there is not a noticeable changed in use of broadband among Latinos. Instead Latinos are more likely to own a smartphone in a household without a landline phone. The smartphone was the primary use of the internet in households without broadband. 

Overall 84% of Latino adults report using the internet, which was a 20% increase from 2009-2015. The survey consisted o 1500 Latino adults in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Latino adults who sneaked English and Spanish on landlines and cellular phones. The survey examined internet use among Hispanics, Broadband services among Latinos and mobile access to internet. Two of the three levels have increase and the gap has closed during internet use and mobile access to internet. Broadband services was the one area that has little to no growth.

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